
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Looking Back... Looking Forward

OK so I stopped blogging quite a while ago. You are so bombarded with info you didn't even notice, did you? Why did I stop blogging? For the same reasons (excuses) people don't exercise or prepare healthy meals. You know... lack of time, commitment, energy. Basically laziness (and also the fact that Gmail switched up my log in and I couldn't figure out how to access my account anymore!) Sad but true.

For me, when I do have free time I'd rather be walking my dog or gardening, not sitting longer at my desk. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Writing was never one of my strengths. Makes you want to really read my blog, right? Why am I writing then?  Well I have some exciting news so read on...

Last week I started a year long program with Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Health Coach. So I thought it would be an ideal time to begin blogging again (on occasion... don't look for me weekly :) I intend to learn a lot about wellness, food, diet and nutrition over the next year and share some insights and wisdom along the way.

But we must start with ourselves in order to have the Prana (life force energy) to share with others. So I wanted to share a little about what brought me to IIN school...

I started my journey in the field of fitness and health when I was in high school and taught some Jane Fonda type aerobics classes in the 80's at an all women's spa my Mom managed. I continued teaching fitness all through college and eventually made it more of a career when I was fortunate enough to get a job at Canyon Ranch resort spa in Massachusetts. That was super fun while it lasted, but then, as life does, a few things happened... 1) we moved and 2) I became extremely fatigued and was eventually diagnosed with both Lyme disease and Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis. It was not a fun phase of my life. I was in my late 20's - early 30's, working in the fitness industry, and I was completely exhausted, sickly and miserable.

At that point, I gave up teaching fitness for a few years while I tried to regain my health. But I started to practice yoga, which eventually lead me to be a certified yoga teacher. So, it wasn't all bad. I'm sure many of you have also gained blessings from challenging moments you faced in life.

Months went by in a foggy haze. I was supposedly "cured" of Lyme after 7 months of antibiotics. And after a year on Synthroid my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was "normal" again. But still, most days, I never felt quite right especially considering the good care I tried to take of myself with moderate exercise and a what I thought was good diet. Many days I didn't want to get out of bed. I had chronic infections, a weak immune system, and extreme bouts of fatigue and migraines.

For 12 years I continued to have a lot of muscle and joint pain, debilitating headaches and relentless, deep exhaustion. Most of my friends and family were unaware except they knew I was sort of "lame" and got tired and sick easily. I'd hide out and lay low during the flare ups. My husband was the only one who really saw how bad it was.

Yes, I saw lots of doctors and had plenty of tests, but their only solutions were to put me on a variety of drugs from the pill and migraine meds to anti depressants, anti anxiety, sleeping pills, and muscle relaxants. One doc even suggested a surgery to remove part of my skull to help with the headaches! I knew enough to realize none of these surgeries or drugs would fix the root cause of all my symptoms...

In the winter of 2012 the pain and headaches were so bad for such a long period of time, my husband pushed me to see more docs and I also decided to see a nutrition and health coach along with massage therapists, acupuncturists, Reiki and I even tried EFT and did a sugar detox (more about that later).

Meeting with health and nutrition coach Kendell Reichart at Natural Vibrant Health was similar to when I started to do yoga after I was diagnosed with Lyme and Hashimoto's... it was one of those blessings in disguise. Seeing Kendell was really a last resort, but after a few weeks following her program the cloud started to lift. I knew I was on to something. Cleaning up my diet, adding some supplements, raw foods and super foods began to make a huge difference! My headaches and muscle pain started to decrease and my energy started to increase. Even my skin, eyes and nails started to look and feel better. I still have a long way to go, but it's a great start!

I also owe a big thanks to health coach Richele Henry (aka "the Sugar Momma") as well. I did my first sugar detox with her two years ago, and although I'm far from being sugar free, her program got me completely off coffee (which had a very positive affect on the frequency of my headaches) and I eat so much less sugar now which is HUGE for me! Her program also taught me the value and joy of taking the time to prep healthy foods in advance and exposed me to some awesome real food recipes that I still love and enjoy today.

These two lovely, inspiring ladies both went to The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. And their health coaching skills, compassion and wisdom opened up a whole new world for me.

So as I look back on my health challenges and the journey that brought me at be a student at IIN, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to my health coaches Richele and Kendell.

In yoga class we say "Namaste" which is a greeting that generally means "I bow to the divine in you" or "the light within me honors and acknowledges that same light that is within you".

I am so looking forward to studying nutrition with IIN and learning, sharing and being a health coach to help others live a happier, healthier life.