
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hi from Flexible Warrior

Hi Everyone! Gosh, I had even forgotten about this blog. I started it about 10 years ago when I went on my trip to INDIA.

OMG, to re-read some of my posts. WOW. This is why everyone should blog, or at least keep a journal :) I had forgotten so much.

Anyway, I wanted to send a quick note to say HI and hope all is well in your world.

New beginnings are always taking place. Maybe this upcoming holiday weekend, find time to pause and be in awe of it all :)

Also, to all my new blog posts are HERE and posted to my social media channels, so hope we can connect on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and I just started Pinterest (took me long enough!)

Also, tons of free video content when you subscribe to my Flexible Warrior YouTube channel and even new online Yoga & Superfood programs.

I just actually wrote a new blog post tonight - planning on sharing for Labor Day weekend, but you all get a sneak preview for being amongst my first followers 10 years ago. Thanks for supporing and cheering me on my India Journey 10 years ago. It was the year I turned 40, so you can guess what's coming up for me :)))

Hope our paths cross in person soon and you're enjoying your new beginnings.,,

XO & Namaste,

Karen Dubs