
Monday, April 27, 2015

New beginnings

I feel like spring is the perfect time to set (or reset) New Year goals and intentions. It feels much easier to eat more fresh vegetables (hello farmers markets) and exercise more when it's warm and green. Even my dog became a serious couch potato this winter and is raring to start running again. 

My point is, don't feel guilty if you veered off from your new year goal. I spent November through mid April glued to my desk listening to nutrition lectures and writing my book. I got what I call 'writers butt', drank coffee, ate tons of chocolate, and the only exercise I got was about 10 minutes of yoga and mediation a day. The 'better than nothing' workout. 

We each go through phases in our life when other priorities such as family, work or even weather get in the way of out fitness goals. It's impossible to stay in balance one hundred percent of the time. 

This is one of the many reasons why I love yoga. The start of each yoga practice is an opportunity to begin again. Now is a perfect time to recommit to a higher purpose. 

Today was special for me. It marked a turning point. Five months ago I began the journey to be a published author. During that time I encountered many obstacles from my keyboard breaking to my basement yoga studio flooding. Minor bumps in the road in the scheme of things. 

But today I got to break in my newly remodeled yoga studio, sign a few books for some yoga friends, read a favorite quote (about obstacles, gratitude, perseverance and faith) to my students from my very own book AND toast with my friends with KeVita (my favorite Kombucha :) - You know that about 80% of your immune system lies in your digestive tract so feed it good bacteria with probiotics! 

It wasn't a big deal. Just eight ladies on a Monday morning moving, stretching and breathing in my little basement studio. But to me, it marked a turning point. 

Writing is a lonely process that requires a lot of disciplined commitment and more stillness than I'm comfortable with (and I'm a big fan of stillness!) It was so refreshing to be surrounded by yoga friends and moving my body instead of sitting alone at my desk, staring at a computer screen. 

So cheers to spring and new beginnings! 

The warrior in me honors the warrior in you. Namaste 


Monday, April 13, 2015

Holy Crap! I wrote a book!

Exactly five months ago today, I got the crazy idea to sign up for a book writing program with Integrative Institute of Nutrition. I'm in the IIN Health Coaching school and I had an idea of what I wanted to write about (flexibility of course) but aside from the vague concept of "how to be more flexible, balanced and resilient" I was starting from nothing... no outline, no title, no budget, not even any book writing experience. But it was November, and we were heading into winter, so I figured the timing was perfect to hunker down and write. 

The writing journey has been a bit of a roller coaster ride. Like many big commitments (a wedding, having a baby or training for your first marathon), at first, I was super excited and enthusiastic with all the possibility and with the feeling of stepping out of my comfort zone. I knew it was time to challenge myself and experience something new. Then, I quickly became overwhelmed, got cold feet and even tried to bail out of the program. All the excuses and fears came into my head like "who am I to write a book", "I don't know what I'm doing" and "what if I'm terrible at this." 

If you're reading the "Flexible Warrior" blog, you're likely someone who is used to stepping out of your comfort zone too... and the thrill that comes with that challenge. And you've likely experienced cold feet too. Whether it's birthing a child, graduating from school or crossing the finish line at your first race, the feeling of "Holy Crap! I did it!" is quite exhilarating, especially after over coming all the obstacles that will no doubt arise during your journey.

But, unlike a race, writing a book is more like having a baby in that the work doesn't really begin until the baby is born. So, I'd like to introduce you to my new book "Find Your Flexible Warrior: Think, Stretch and Eat for Balance and Resilience. I plan on doing some combination yoga, spinning and book signing classes, but in the meantime, if you'd like to pre-order my book, signed copies are available on my Flexible Warrior web site or you can order (unsigned copies) on Amazon.

I wanted to keep my post short today (honestly I just want to get outside after sitting at my desk for 5 months straight!) I'll talk more in future posts about topics that are in the book including nutrition, self-care, balance, willpower, chillpower, anti-inflammatory foods, superfoods, healing with diet, autoimmune and Lyme disease, recovery, stretching techniques and how to create a more resilient, adaptable and balanced mind and body.

Thanks for your support! Let me know how I can support you on your journey to your best self.


Karen Dubs