
Friday, March 19, 2010

March Madness Gladness

March is that in between month when everyone gets grumpy about the cold and  just wants it to be warm and sunny. We had an especially brutal winter this year so seems like patience is even more thin awaiting the longer, brighter days of spring.

My dad used to say "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all". So I try not to waste my energy complaining about things I can't change like the weather.

In fact, I believe that spending time complaining and worrying are completely counterproductive. One of my favorite quotes is... "worrying is praying for what you don't want." Instead, we should put our focus on what we DO want!

Yet I hear women in the locker rooms complaining about their husbands, kids, and work; I hear people on their phones every where I go worrying and gossiping. I'm certainly prone to it (it is contagious!) Like anything, it takes practice to learn how to turn your worries and complaints into positive affirmations.

In yoga practice, we like to set a positive "Intention" to help reinforce how we want to feel both on and off our yoga mat. I personally like to choose words like 'happy, peaceful, energized'. Often my Intention is simply to 'fill my cup' so I have more positive energy to share with others.

A few days ago in the locker room I was near two women complaining about how 'busy and crazy' their lives are. They spent 20 minutes commiserating about their kids schedules, workouts, and believe it or not, their upcoming spring break vacations. I pretended not to listen. But I thought  about how they could use that 20 minutes of time sitting still and quietly contimplating all that they are grateful for, or to proactively consider changes in their schedule to create more space and joy in their lives. People often say they don't have time to do yoga or to simply sit still and 'do nothing'... But I find doing nothing is actually very productive!

I believe our minds completely register every word we say. So when you say "my life is crazy" over and over again, guess what your life will be? These complaints or worries actually turn into affirmations, and we're reinforcing the very thing we're complaining about! Yikes.

In the spirit of March "madness" I encourage you to get your gladness on! Do you habitually complain or worry about the same thing? I'm guilty of saying "I'm so tired" so my on-going goal is to create a balanced schedule, to do things that energize me, and surround myself with people that energize me (unfortunately I don't get a choice of who I share a locker room with!)

I am glad for March! It's a fun transitional month. For me, pre season yoga for football starts with the Baltimore Ravens while basketball season comes to an end and I get to cheer on the University of Maryland Men's basketball in the playoffs! As you can imagine, YES these athletes totally energize me. Go Terps!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Planting Seeds in Winter

Snow is still on the ground here in Baltimore but spring is totally in the air. With two back to back blizzards I spent a lot of snow day time doing things I don't normally have time to do like sitting still drinking tea and writing in my journal, reading magazines that had stacked up since last fall, sitting by the fire with my dog and husband, making inspiring laylists on Itunes and of course shoveling and visiting neighbors.

There were moments when I was bored and frustrated with cabin fever. But now that I'm free and busy again running around from client to class to client, I reflect back on those snow days and miss them a little! Balancing life is such a Catch 22, even for me - A yoga teacher who totally understands the importance of quieting the mind, simplicity and stillness...

The cool thing about the stillness and "doing nothing" is just how productive it is! Those few days when my clients and classes were cancelled and I wasn't busy "doing" (making money) were such an awesome opportunity for me to look back and look forward to where I've been and where I'm going.

Now, just a few weeks later, the seeds I planted when there was 4 feet of snow on the ground are starting to sprout and grow, which is so exciting and exhilerating.

Yep, I'm definitely WAY excited for spring this year. But I'm grateful for those snow days too (I just don't want any more of them right now!)

"Slow down and the thing you are chasing will come around and catch you." - Zen saying

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Madness - Quick Hip Stretches

Hi Warriors! I don't know about you but between football season, the Olympics and basketball plus this crazy winter and long, cold, dark days I feel like I've been sitting on the couch entirely too much for too long. It's MARCH Madness... YEAH!!! And Spring is just around the corner. Woo Hoo.

In the meantime, take the opportunity while you're watching some of your favorite sports and TV shows to get off the couch, sit on the floor and do a few stretches. Your poses don't have to be perfect or in the right order. Just do what feels good. And if you think that sitting on the couch feels good, trust me you'll feel even better after just 5 minutes of stretching.

Ideally, your yoga practice is focused on the single task of quieting, conditioning and balancing your mind and your body. But as busy athletes, its sometimes hard to fit it all in. Tight hips tend to be a common problem area for most everyone, and sitting in chairs only makes hips tighter!

So, here is a 5 minute sequence to try. Get off the couch and join me...