
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sick of Zucchini? Try this salad!

My husband and I started a garden 4 years ago. There is do much joy in planting the seeds in spring, watching it grow and mostly harvesting in summer. The best part is knowing there are no chemicals and making a dinner out of all veggies from our own garden! Very fun and rewarding. It brings 'eat local' to a whole new level! My favorite is a crab cake from the street stand down the road with summer squash and cucumber salad. Yum! 

I mostly grow tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peppers and lots of herbs but the one plant that constantly produces like no other is zucchini (to the point where I get sick of it by August). Can you relate? 

So I invested in a spirulizer and it has been so fun and fabulous! It's easy to use, adults and kids love it and the possibilities are endless... 

Here's an easy delicious raw zucchini salad that's similar to spaghetti but of course gluten free and super healthy ... 

First, use the spiralizer to make 3-4 cups. Then make your tomato sauce: 
1/2 cup sundried tomatoes, 1/4 cup olive oil, the juice of three lemons, fresh basil and sea salt to taste. Blend that all up (I use a Nutribullet). Toss with zucchini. Add some extra chopped basil, tomatoes, onion, feta, pine nuts or whatever you like! Enjoy! Even kids love it! 

If you don't have a garden be sure to hit up your farmers market this summer and eat local! 

Karen Dubs