
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Joy, Light and Oprah

I'm a big believer in Karma. Even as a kid I remember feeling this sense of what you give you receive. It brings me a lot of peace knowing that all I need to do is be kind, compassionate and true to myself and the rest will take care of itself. This is especially freeing when someone does something that isn't very kind... I'm
Able to let it go (and sometimes even send them love although that's definitely a work in progress) because I know the universal principle applies and it's not my place to interfere or waste my energy on trying to make it right. Because as Oprah so eloquently says..."What you give ... BAM ... Comes right back." I love that. 

Over the last two years I've started to incorporate the One Word movement and each January choose a word for my year. Last year I chose JOY and I was blown a day with the way joy flowed to me in the most special and unique ways that I didn't ask for or plan on specifically... It just seemed like things that brought me great joy kept happening.  So much so that I wanted to use the same word in 2014! 

So when it came time to pick my word for this year I struggled but one day as I closed one of my yoga classes with a reading about "Light" saying to my students "The light within me honors that same light that is within you, Namaste" I knew I had my word... Light. 

I'm not a big New Years goal writer anymore. I used to write long lists of specific goals years ago but now the One Word practice is my ritual and I just trust that whatever word I chose will shape my year. Little did I know that choosing Light would bring me to DC for Oprah's The Life You Want Weekend. But here I am, surrounded by thousands of other soul seekers on a journey to get inspired and fill my cup so full that it spills over. 

In a random turn of events (is anthing random?) I got invited to join two friends for this incredible event that included transformational trailblazers Mark Nepo, Elizabeth Gilbert, Rob Bell, Iyanla Vanzant and of course Oprah! Other inspiring appearances by Paralympic althlete Amy Purdy and Soul Cycles Angela Davis, both of which knocked my socks off. All weekend I was filled with great emotion, laughing and crying and as I sit here in my hotel room on Sunday practicing a short meditation as the sun rises, I realize I've been so blessed with LIGHT this weekend. It's my own personal Super Soul Sunday! 

So I'm sending out love and gratitude to Oprah and all her transformation trailblazers for opening my eyes and my heart to Light this weekend. And to my precious girlfriends for blessing me with a gift that is beyond measure. Together we will continue on the jouney to support each other on The Life We Want. 

Namaste. The Light within me honors and acknowledges that same Light that is within you. 

Karen Dubs

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