
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September is for Samasthiti

Samasthiti (also known as Tadasana or Mountain Pose) is standing tall, aligned and in balance.  When repeating Sun Salutations, I've heard Samasthiti described as "begin again". And although we think of January and the New Year as the ideal time of starting over and setting goals, there is something about September that feels more appropriate for resetting goals and Intentions.

The summer time is so fun and yet can be so unsettling. We get off our regular routine, traveling and forget all about whatever goals and visions we had in January. We live for the moment and soak up the long blissful days of summer. Ah... it's so awesome! But then it's over.

So I invite you to take some time to re-evaluate. To look back to the goals and visions you had at the beginning of 2014. To look ahead for the next four months. To look at your schedule and how you can tweak it to take out what isn't serving you and to add in the things that get you closer to where you want to be. Set some S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Timely.) Why do you want what you want? Who can help you get there? When can you make time for yourself? Where do you see yourself on Dec 31st? How do you want to feel? What are you waiting for?

I'll open up my journal and share a few of my goals... 

1) Self Care - Do at least one thing weekly that brings joy.
2) Run 3x a week to train for my fall 5 miler (speed is not my goal - Enjoying the race journey is :)
3) Experiment in the kitchen! Make at least one new recipe or try one new food each week.
4) Business Plan. My nutrition / health coaching school has my wheels totally turning about what's next. By Dec 31st I'd like some more clarity and create a business plan. Gulp.

What are your greatest challenges? What is holding you back from your goals? If you've gotten off track this summer, what can you do to get back on it?
So, as we enter the many joys of fall... football season, back to school, wine festivals, colorful hikes, bike rides and fall races I encourage you to take a few minutes to quietly contemplate how you want to close out 2014... Sign up for a fall race, take a pottery class, buy tickets to watch your favorite team play and of course hit the local farmers market and take some yoga ;)

If you're having a hard time fitting in your yoga, here is a short "Get Calm & Energized" AM practice to start our day with.

Enjoy! I'd love to hear your "begin again" goals!


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