
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lead with your Heart

Happy Valentine's Day Warriors!

A perfect topic for today is Ahimsa (one of the Yamas or restraints in The Eights Limbs of Yoga). These Sanscrit words might sound intimidating or weird to you, but applying the principles to your sport can really improve your performance.

Ahimsa means non-harming. Have you ever pushed yourself the the point of injury? Maybe you've even felt the frustration of being sidelined for a competition, race, or even an entire season?

So how can we get stronger, faster and more powerful but stay injury and pain free? Its a fine line and only you can know when to push harder and when to hold back. How? By doing yoga, stretching, and by listening to the sensations of pain that your body is sending you. There is a time to push and a time to surrender. (scroll down for short recovery & flexibility sequence)

An injured warrior rarely wins a battle. Rule #1 is you mush protect first. Use all of your senses to really see, hear, feel and be present during your practice or competition. I find one of the biggest challenges working with competitive athletes and business people is this principle of Ahimsa...
LEAD WITH YOUR HEART. Be willing to love and protect yourself first and you'll be the best athlete, team mate, and person you can be. Get a massage! Do yoga REGULARLY. It's not an indulgence - It could very well be the difference between being good and being great!

In honor of Valentine's Day, we did lots of "heart opener" sequences in class this week (see picture - think chest and shoulder stretches, back bends, and poses that open up the front of the body body and lifts the posture). The timing couldn't have been more perfect with the crazy blizzards we had here in Bmore because heart opener poses also happen to be great pre and post shoveling stretches as well!

Most of what we do in daily life and in sports round our posture forward... Even sitting at our computer is a posture challenge! Try this simple 30 second "heart opener" - You don't even have to get up from your chair...

1) Reach behind your back and grab onto your opposite wrists, forearms or elbows

2) Lift your chest and heart up to the ceiling and draw your back and down away from your ears.

3) Close your eyes and take 5 - 10 long, slow breaths

4) Now relax your arms down by your sides and notice your posture and alignment: ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips (this is called 'Seated Mountain').

OK, I don't want to bore you too much with "good posture" tips on Valentine's Day but if we get hit with more snow, remember to take little shoveling breaks open your chest and extend your spine (see pic - "standing camel"). Once you come back inside, warm up and try this short flexibility sequences...

Now GO enjoy Valentine's Day with an open heart :)
The athlete within me honors the athlete within you. Namaste

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