
Friday, November 7, 2014

Run, Roll and Stretch (self care for a great cause!)

Several years ago I was training for a 10k race and developed plantar fasciitis. If you've ever been sidelined with an injury you know how frustrating it is!

As a yogini I try to listen to my body and the messages it's sending me but in this instance I failed to acknowledge the little twinges and warning signs leading up to the excruciating pain that comes with plantar fascitis. So I ended up not being able to run for a good 4 - 5 months...

And that's when I started adding foam rolling into my stretching and doing self foot massage with tennis balls and a frozen water bottle. I became so hooked, I started teaching foam rolling in my Yoga for Athletes classes, and even in my Spinning and boot camp classes. Everyone looked forward to the "hurts so good" benefits of foam rolling that I even ended up filming a DVD so I could share the joy of foam rolling with even more.

Yes injuries truly stink but I try to be grateful for even the set backs because it's all a learning experience and I believe enduring and recovering from that pain has blessed me with knowledge that I can share with other runners as well as empathy, compassion and a new understanding of self care and how to stay healthier.

I'm sure you already know that the time you spend training is only half the battle. As an athlete, your performance is directly related to staying injury free, the quality on your nutrition plus how well you recover. If you're not putting attention into self care and recovery it will eventually hold you back. 

On December 6th I'll be teaching a Foam Roll and Stretch charity class at Charm City Run in Timonium. 100% of the donations for the class will go to Back On My Feet in Baltimore, an organization that inspires men who are currently homeless to incorporate running to feel more uplifted, inspired and to create an upward spiral that will positively affect all areas of their life including employment and independent living. This is true flexibility and resilience in action. 

If you can't make the class but want to support the cause and feel the benefits of foam rolling and stretching you can DONATE $15 FOR A DVD at any Charm City Run location. See flyer for details or email me are

As we head into the winter season, it's a great time to incorporate more cross training with Yoga, Pilates and Foam Rolling! Have a great off season.

Karen Dubs

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